swapping ski gear for surf gear


About 6 months ago, we made the (probably) spontaneous decision to move away from our beloved Canberra in search of a warmer lifestyle on the Gold Coast...I know! Crazy right? Well, not really, It kind of made sense to us. We go to the Gold Coast at least a couple of times a year. My hubby can work out of any airport and my business, Design Capital is portable, so why not! 

Let just talk abut "portable" for a second... The most awesome thing about living in 2017 is the internet OMG how awesome is it? You could be lucky enough to be working for yourself but feel constrained by location or you could be working for someone else in a boring uninspiraring office...WHY? when we are so lucky to be in 2017 and have the ability and technology to work ANYWHERE! ...gone are the days that you need to go into the office for boring waste of time meetings...you can Skype in your PJS on the beach! 

So basically this was the deciding factor for the move to the gold coast...Lifestyle! Don't get me wrong, I still consider myself a Canberran and Canberra will always have my heart, but for now I'm happy working out of to my frangipani aroma filled office over looking my pool...who knows where we will be next year!