How to survive a lull


5 ways to stay calm during a work drought 

You know how it is, the beginning of the year is always full of hope and full of work, your calendar and white board is booked up for months, you are panicking thinking how are you going to get through all this work...then April comes and goes and so does the work, I call it the “Great Dry May”. For me it’s always May! Back in the day I used to panic and think I used to think this is the end...I’m doomed! 

But not anymore, I’ve been in business 9 years this year and survived just as many “Great Dry Mays”! I now use the great dry may to plan ahead with when thing inevitably ramp up again. 

Here is 5 ways I stay calm in a work drought.

  1. It’s all those blog post you wanted to write all year but haven’t had time. (Like this one). Get some topics written a schedule them in to publish over the next few months so you don’t have to think about it when work picks up again.

  2. Update your website with new work, maybe change a few things up, keep it fresh. I’m going to change a few images and add some new work to my portfolio that I never have time to do. Don’t forget to update the years you’ve been in business for of years of experience.

  3. Make a social media plan, break it up in to events for each month then break it down again in to weeks of days, like the blog post, schedule these to go out so you don’t have to think about it. TIP: you will get a better reach to schedule direct from the app rather than using a 3rd party app. 

  4. Update your skills and learn something new. That’s one thing that no one can ever take from you is knowledge. Udemy have some great short courses so you can learn something that will benefit your business. Skillshare is also great. I use a lot and if you have a library card you can usually access it for free. I’m actually taking it one step further and I’ve signed up to do History of Art and design through open university. I can’t wait! It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.

  5. Contact some past clients and ask them if they need any help or know someone that does. It can’t hurt to send out a newsletter to let people know that you have a rare clear calendar and recommend clients get in touch before things pick up again in the new financial year.

  6. Maybe its time to think about a rebrand? Shake things up a bit? keep it fresh? Please get in touch if you want to have a chat to me about your options of rebranding your business, its not as scary as it sounds! this could be the perfect time. Click below to “get in touch”.

Just remember things will pick up again and try to relax, get some exercise and enjoy the downtime while you have it. 

*Disclaimer: I'm a great graphic designer, not a copywriter - spelling and grammar is not my thing. See this post for what it is...An extremely passionate graphic designer, that wants to share her knowledge with you (possibly with a couple of spelling mistakes)!